Our practice attempts to provide the best possible care and attention to our patients at all times. We ask patients to complete questionnaires from time to time and seek feedback as a confidential way to evaluating any problems. If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care you receive please feel free to discuss this with your doctor or with the practice manager and we will try to deal with any problems to your satisfaction. We are committed to quality improvement and our practice is accredited with AGPAL.
You can contact our Practice Manager Kerrie by calling us on (08) 7127 6718 and asking to speak with her directly.
Please be aware that we are also a teaching practice with trainees in a number of modalities including medical students and registrars. Please advise us if you do not wish to partake in consultation with trainees. We will always advise you and seek consent for a medical student to be present during any consultation and it is your right to decline. We understand that you may not feel comfortable with a student present. For those of you who are happy to be part of the teaching process, we thank you and appreciate your willingness to engage with trainees and help them learn – they are the future of the healthcare workforce.
However if you feel there is a problem you wish to take up outside our practice, you may prefer to contact the Health & Community Services Complaints Commissioner, Level 4 East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide 5000. PH: 8226 8666